jueves, 29 de agosto de 2019


I again!

today we talk about the concert i went. really i am so dull to listen to music , i don't know why xD
but i have my preference and i will tell you about my first time in the cueca circle singing or 'sing by hand'
i dont know how explain that. whatever, the 'singing by hand' consist of a wheel of singers, women and men with instruments or only palms that sing in holler to the right in meter to three quarter. this is like a children's game where the participating need to remember the song and the lyrics without fail ing in the metric. basically it is a beautiful shouting.

Resultado de imagen para rueda cueca santiagothe first time i was there I was a little drunk in a bad house in the center of santiago, and the shouts were waned by the instruments and the palms, accordion hand drum, guitar and double bass all them playing the game of cueca. there i was all the time close by a circle trying to understand the rules of the game.

this is all today!!

3 comentarios:

  1. Of course you were going to talk about your cueca things, by the way I actually think that you're a good singer!

  2. I had never heard of "singing by hand" thing, sounds fun!

  3. I don´t know about this, but I´d like know more about the "singing by hand" or I would like go to see in a place when they do it.
